Get To Know Our Founder, Lauren

As the founder of audwell and a mom of two boys, Lauren Maat spends most of her days trying to balance it all (let's be honest, who isn't?). The audwell team sat down with Lauren to ask her a few questions about why her first product is the Oslo Tower, what's next for the company, and those hard hitting questions like what's always in her fridge. 

1. Why is the learning tower your first product? 
Truly out of personal need! Every day, my son would drag a dining chair into the kitchen. He always wanted to see what I was doing or wanted to "help" me. I spent hours trying to find a product that would work in my home but never found the perfect tower for various reasons. They were either too bulky, didn't fit with the aesthetic of my home, and the made-to-order towers took too long to arrive. I felt there was a gap in the market and wanted to fill it! 


2. What's next for audwell?
We are currently testing the prototype for Product #2 and we just completed the prototype for Product #3 this week! We also want to work directly with our customers to understand what products you feel are missing in the market. (PS: Please let us know! We love to hear from you and you can always reach me at 

3. What's your favorite DIY project in your home? 
Our wood floors! When we bought our home it was almost entirely covered in carpet and replacing the carpet with lighter colored floors made a drastic difference. I can't take credit for the DIY, but my lovely husband singlehandedly laid 1,100 square feet himself! 

4. In one word, describe your home's decor before you had kids: CURATED

5. In one word, describe your home's decor after you had kids: INTENTIONAL 

6. Speaking of, what are the names and ages of your boys?
Bennett (3) and Evan (2)

7. What's always in your fridge?
Fresh produce and champagne (I like to celebrate small wins). 

8. Before kids, I never thought I would...?
Move back to my hometown 

9. What plays on rotation on your phone?
Second Life Podcast with Hillary Kerr and Mood Booster playlist on Spotify!

10. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
Weekly visits to the local Herman Miller/Design Within Reach outlet! (Fun fact: My husband Aaron works for Herman Miller so we're a #furniturecouple through and through).

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